Week 8 Comments and Feedback
I feel like in this class it could be really easy to feel like the work that we do is insignificant and that it does not matter; the comment portion of the class really does help to eliminate these thoughts. I have really enjoyed having the opportunity to receive positive feedback and constructive criticism from my peers because it makes me feel like other people really do care about what I am doing and what I like to write about.
Giving other feedback on their work has definitely been a challenge for me, because I want to make sure that what I am saying comes across in a kind, but also helpful way. Something I have tried to dow when writing comments is staying focused on the writer and the piece that they are writing rather than myself. This tip really has helped me a lot.
Recently, I have noticed more and more peers giving me and others feedback on things like sentence structure and grammar and I think that this is something that I could do more of moving forward.
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