Reading Notes: The Princes and the Water Sprite

Reading Notes: The Princes and the Water Sprite
-A king had three sons who were named: Stars, Moon, and Sun
-The King promised the Queen a boon when the third son was born
-The Queen waited until the third son's 21st birthday to cash in her boon.
-She asked the King to give the Kingdom to Sun, but he refused because it belonged to the eldest.
-Out of fear for his sons, he sent the two eldest to exile, but the third joined them
-Out in the wilderness, the third son went down to a pond to gather water for them
-This pond was run by water sprites and before they let anyone take their water they asked, "What are Good Fairies Like?'
-The Sun answered wrong and the water sprite carried him to her cave
-The middle brother went down to check on him, but he also answered wrong and was carried away
-The eldest brother went to see what was going on and the water sprite tried to trick him, but he was too wise
-He correctly answered the question and the water sprite said he would retrieve one of his brothers
-He answered, "bring the youngest, I could never leave him here alone"
-The water sprite saw his kind heart and brought both brother back
-The three brothers lived in the forest until their father died and the eldest assumed the throne and his brothers ruled with him
-The water sprite was also invited to live in the palace

The Water Sprite's Pool


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